14th edition of Congress for Entrepreneurs returns in October

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

SHAPE THE FUTURE NOW -that’s how the slogan of the biggest event in Europe targeted for Small and Medium sized enterprises sounds.  14.  European Congress of SMSE will take place in 29 -  30 of October 2024 in International Congress Centre in Katowice. 

Congress is a place created for entrepreneurs. The best experts and practitioners will perform, discussions and debates with the participation of representatives of committee of the European Parliament, the highest state authorities, ministries and government agencies will be organized,  especially for them – Entrepreneurs .
Since 2011, the event has been a place of inspiration, meetings and networking. Thirteen previous editions gathered tens of thousands of participants, including  representatives of the world of business, science, politics and economic environments. This year, several dozen speeches, panel sessions, a number of workshops and talks are planned with participation of experts from home and abroad, as well as the B2B meeting zone. 


The substantive part of the congress consists of 9 paths SHAPE THE FUTURE NOW, The company is people, Tech Trends Poland – startups and Innovation, Law and taxes, Finance, Marketing and sales, Smart City for business, Going Global and a series of talks devoted to the 20th anniversary Poland in UE. 

There will also be accompanying events, including: American Day and Think Eco! The forum, which will expand and enrich the program with an international and ecological component. During the annual RIG Community Gala in Katowice, the Economic Awards of 14th  ECSME  will be presented. The ceremonial event will also be an opportunity to integrate entrepreneurs with the world of science and culture. 

-I would like to invite you to contribute to the program of the October event. The SME sector accounts for 99.8% of all companies in Poland and according to the latest report prepared by PARP, almost every second zloty in GDP comes from this group. However, the SME sector has to face many challenges, which brings a complex economic situation in Poland and in the world, as well as changing rules of conducting business activity. During the congress, we want to discuss how to shape and change a better business climate. I believe that the 14th edition of the Congress will once again prove that ESME is a platform for exchange of knowledge and views, improving competences, networking and developing common solutions for action. All this in order to build the future of the Polish economy together – encourages Tomasz  Zjawiony, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice, which is the Organizer of the event. 


The organizer of the #ECSME is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice. As a creator of industry of meetings and events for over 34  years, supports regional business and stimulate its development. It conducts business  and communication consulting activities for their Member Companies and helps with making contacts with partners from within the country and from abroad. Shapes and disseminates the principles of ethics, honesty in business and corporate social responsibility in general. 

Participation in Congress is free. Registration has started 19th of July 2024.