Potential and Opportunities for Entrepreneurs - 14th European SME Congress

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Discussion panels, workshops, advertising space and company presentations - these are just some of the opportunities available to Partners of the European Congress of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. The event attracts thousands of entrepreneurs every year and provides a unique opportunity to gain new knowledge, valuable business contacts and learn about the latest trends and forecasts for the Polish and European economy.

Extraordinary potential for entrepreneurs

The Congress is an event with great potential, aimed at entrepreneurs who want to develop their companies and gain a competitive advantage on the market.  
The European SME Congress is a space where entrepreneurs can not only gain knowledge, but, above all, build relations which result in years of cooperation. - stresses Tomasz Zjawiony, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice, the Congress organizer
Thanks to a rich program, participants will have the opportunity to take part in panel discussions, workshops and speeches delivered by experts in various fields. The event is an ideal space for exchanging experience and gaining inspiration, which is crucial for the dynamic development of companies in the SME sector.

Opportunities to establish relationships and promote business

One of the most important aspects of the Congress is the opportunity to establish business relationships. Entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to meet representatives of companies from all over the world, which can result in new partnerships and collaborations. Thanks to the Business Expo, which accompanies the Congress, participants can also promote their products and services and take advantage of the advertising space available, which is an excellent opportunity to increase their brand recognition.

Sharing knowledge and discussing the future of the economy

The European SME Congress is also a place where entrepreneurs can gain knowledge about the latest trends and changes taking place in the economy. Discussions with the participation of experts, representatives of the government, local governments and business environment institutions, will allow participants to better understand the challenges and opportunities facing the SME sector in Poland and Europe. Participation in these debates is a unique opportunity to influence the shaping of the region's economic future.

Who is the Congress for?

The congress is primarily aimed at entrepreneurs representing the SME sector, but also at companies, organizations and institutions cooperating with this sector. The event will also be attended by representatives of national and regional authorities, universities, business organizations and cultural institutions. The presence of such a wide range of participants makes the Congress a unique platform for building dialogue and cooperation at various levels.

Participation in the European Congress of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Katowice is free of charge and offers the possibility of partnership with great opportunities. Companies interested in actively participating in the 14th ECSME can apply by email or telephone:

Mirosław Rus

Key Projects Director
Chamber of Commerce AND Industry in Katowice
+48 503 133 382