  • * Organization type:

  • Enterprise / Economic activity
  • Public administration / Local government institution
  • Scientific institution / University
  • Other
  • * Company size:

  • Less than 10 employees
  • Small business
  • Mid-market enterprise
  • Mid-market enterprise
  • Large enterprise
  • * Type of the Company/Organization

  • Banking, insurance and other financial services
  • Construction, architecture, real estate
  • Electronics, computer science, telecommunications, ICT
  • Energy, mining, metallurgy and metallurgy
  • Education, science, R&D, training, business and accounting consulting, legal services
  • Wholesale and retail (what?)
  • Printing, marketing, advertising, PR, media
  • Production (of what?)
  • Transport, logistics
  • Health, pharmaceuticals, chemistry
  • Tourism, gastronomy, hotel industry, organization of events, sport and recreation
  • Other (what?)

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* I have read and accept the conditions of registration and participation in the Congress as specified in the Regulations of the European SME Congress - Regulations of the 14th European SME Congress.
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ECSME Privacy Policy

* necessary choice


If you have an account, log in HERE.


The account registration process in the system consists of 2 steps: 

1. Filling out the registration form 
2. Verification of the e-mail address provided during registration 

You are in step 1. Fill in the form below and confirm with [REGISTER]. 
You will receive an activation link to the provided e-mail address. After clicking on the activation link, your account will be activated. 


Registration for the European Congress of SMEs does not involve any payment. However, we need some information about you in order to verify your identity and secure access to the facility where the Congress will take place, as well as to enable communication with you by the Organizer or its Partners.